Does it seem to you that this drunkard, this outlaw, this wastrel son of an ffi-staned family, is the man of this pitiful history?
"This rn-starred family with a wastrel son?"
And of course, people are always coming to him when their wild wastrel sons get in any sort of trouble.
As if the father were reborn in his wastrel son to blight the family's fortunes with his carelessness and selfishness.
The Hanover family was no more immune than any other from that law by which pious, benevolent fathers produce wastrel sons.
Felice arranged advantageous marriages for her daughters and lived to see her wastrel son, Francesco, established as a wealthy prelate.
"You could send it to Ilium and let it dine on Dionysos, your wastrel son."
The family were not rich; much of their land had been sold to pay the debts of successive wastrel sons.
His father was the wastrel son of a beloved local doctor.
Prince Hal, the wastrel son of King Henry IV, surprised everyone by becoming a courageous soldier.