Nevada's Yucca Mountain, the proposed site for a nuclear waste repository, would not be a campaign issue.
He vigorously opposed a proposal to put a high-level nuclear waste repository in southern Utah.
It would provide reasonable health protection without setting such tight restrictions that no waste repository could possibly be licensed.
The nation's first permanent underground nuclear waste repository has developed water leaks that some scientists contend will make it useless.
A documentary film about the waste repository has been made: Into Eternity.
The industry has long assumed that opening the waste repository would change the politics and make a new plant more palatable for communities.
From 1981 an area of the site was gazetted as a low-level radioactive waste repository.
The authors make the assumption that a nuclear waste repository will eventually leak.
The lack of a waste repository could kill the nuclear industry's dreams of revival and expansion.
A $700 million nuclear waste repository in New Mexico has yet to open because of technical questions about its safety.