In fact, they thought - but it's just too stupid to waste ink on.
He knew when he was hearing nonsense and he was not going to waste scarce ink on bad ideas.
When they did, writers didn't waste much ink trying to portray businessmen in dark colors, did they?
Why any respectable paper would waste ink on Roman Polanski is unfathomable.
What was the point of wasting so much paper and ink on such an empty topic?
His idea of an ideal graphic is one that wastes no space or ink, avoids distortion and conveys a lot of data in a meaningful context.
(Other printers often make that discovery halfway through a page, wasting paper and ink.)
(It also notices when you've inserted the paper wrong side up, refusing to waste paper and ink by spraying inky globs on the back of the paper.)
She didn't even merit a name, no sense wasting ink.