The prohibition on waste discharge had a significant exception: boaters could obtain permits to discharge waste inside the sanctuary, as most have continued to do.
The trial court had allowed government expert witnesses to testify at the trial about the technical terms of the treatment plant's permit, including the limitations on waste discharge into the ocean.
For example, provincial governments have primary authority for resource management including permitting industrial waste discharges (e.g., to the air).
Due to the environmental impact of shipping, and sewage in particular marpol annex IV was brought into force September 2003 strictly limiting untreated waste discharge.
Pollutants enter rivers and the sea directly from urban sewerage and industrial waste discharges, sometimes in the form of hazardous and toxic wastes.
The Medina River once received significant waste discharge from upstream catfish farming operations, which utilized more water than was sustainable to the basin's safe usage.
The extent of these pressure fluctuations is determined by the fluid volume of the waste discharge.
Risk assessments may take place retroactively, i.e., when assessing the contamination hazard at a superfund site, or predictively, such as when planning waste discharges.
A narrative criterion is water quality criteria in which serves as basis for limiting toxicity of waste discharge to aquatic species.
We need effective control of waste discharge, for the sake of the sea and for the sake of animal and human life.