The director of the regional waste authority, Milton Y. Suzich, said the utility had made clear in private negotiating sessions it would not bargain.
For additional information, please contact your state hazardous waste authority.
Be sure to check with your local environmental regulatory agency, solid waste authority, or health department to find out how HHW is managed in your area.
Local solid waste authorities and health departments may also have specific bans on wastes that apply to their service area.
That was true for the water authority (the severe droughts in the late 1960's), for the solid waste authority (the towns were overwhelmed).
They will be run by private firms under contract to Britain's new nuclear waste authority, NIREX.
For information on safe disposal of pesticides, get in touch with your municipal waste authority.
Prior to the abolition of the Greater London Council in 1986, it was the waste authority for Greater London.
There are four statutory joint waste authorities, as follows:
The Mayor of London has made repeated attempts to bring the different waste authorities together, to form a single waste authority in London.