The experience is known as a washboard road - how do they happen?
Now almost everyone knows that it is impossible to drive a pickup load of firewood sixty miles an hour over a washboard road.
We drove two hours over washboard roads and hairpin turns in the back of a dump truck to get there.
I found a washboard road that angled toward the dunes, followed it a few miles and then parked in front of a trailhead.
There is more to learn about the H2 on the return trip north, this time over washboard roads and smooth pavement.
This should not be confused with a washboard road.
The bus rattled over the washboard roads and the sun bore down hard, even at 7 in the morning.
My throat felt like a washboard road in summer.
The phenomenon you've experienced is what's called a "washboard road."
The next morning we drove less than an hour on washboard roads to Tsaparang.