Other prohibited activities include operating fountains, reflecting pools and artificial waterfalls, serving water in restaurants unless requested, washing driveways, patios or sidewalks, and washing streets with potable water.
Officials are allowing some water use for washing sidewalks, streets, driveways and outdoor areas.
Howard J. Dunn, vice president of supply operations, said ordinances could ban daily lawn watering, golf-course watering, filling or topping off pools, washing cars at home, leaving leaks unfixed, running fountains, washing driveways with a hose and other uses.
A drought emergency would ban washing vehicles with water from hoses or hydrants, filling private swimming pools and fountains, washing sidewalks and driveways and watering lawns, except during early morning and late night.
The city's restrictions were tough with a total ban on watering lawns, washing vehicles with water from hoses or hydrants, filling private swimming pools and washing sidewalks, driveways and the exterior of buildings.
A1 With reservoir levels at new lows, the city has banned watering lawns, washing vehicles with water from hoses or hydrants, filling private swimming pools and washing sidewalks, driveways and buildings.
Governor Whitman's decision means that the three million residents of 119 northern communities can resume washing cars and driveways; watering lawns, golf course fairways and ball fields; and operating fountains and ornamental waterfalls without running the risk of receiving a summons from the local police.
With reservoir levels at only 55 percent, instead of the normal 91 percent, the city told businesses to cut water use significantly and it put a total ban on watering lawns, washing vehicles with water from hoses or hydrants, filling private swimming pools and washing sidewalks, driveways and the exterior of buildings.
The spectrum of drought-emergency measures ordered by Mr. Koch included a total ban on watering lawns, washing vehicles with water from hoses or hydrants and washing sidewalks, driveways and the exteriors of buildings, as well as filling private pools.
Among them: Restaurants may not serve water unless patrons request it, and washing sidewalks, driveways and streets - as well as watering lawns and turf - is prohibited from Nov. 1 through March 31 and is permitted only during restricted hours in other months.