Throughout her adult life, Ms. von Stade has been searching for traces of her father, and this musical setting based on his wartime letters is a result.
Her popular collection of wartime letters is still in print.
I have been given copies of wartime letters, diaries, and newspaper clippings.
This unusual discovery of the wartime letters between a prosperous Georgia planter and his wife and young daughter, will be published by the University of Georgia Press in November.
At the same time, his wartime letters show his determination and courage, important traits in nourishing his country's "special relationship" with America.
Following the success of that work, Aldrich produced three more collections of her wartime letters.
The text consists of five poems by Kim Vaeth, based on the father's wartime letters from Europe.
Cobham's wartime letters to his mother and brother are part of the collections of the Warren County, Pennsylvania Historical Society.
Dreading the hobgoblin of concentrated power, states shrank from levying taxes A leitmotif of his wartime letters was that short-sighted states would come to ruin without an effective central government.