As a small remote village, Bresegard did not suffer wartime destruction.
Starkly poetic images of wartime destruction accompany that observation.
Throughout the late 1940s and 1950s, housing shortages caused by wartime destruction led many cities to subsidize housing blocks.
In Germany he sketched wartime destruction.
Because it was largely spared the wartime destruction of other Polish cities, its old town has a plethora of historic sites.
Also, the ability of the West German economy to produce goods was greatly reduced by wartime destruction.
Then, as in too many subsequent years, memories of wartime destruction were fresh in this region:
The building was rebuilt with its original baroque portal intact following wartime destruction of the Polish capital.
During the wartime years 1944 and 1945, there was wartime destruction and damage in many places, especially around St. Pölten.
Unfortunately, because of wartime destruction, postwar architectural mindlessness and the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle), the majority no longer do.