On 7 June 1917 his wartime contribution culminated in the mining of German positions in the Battle of Messines.
But his greatest and most famous wartime contribution was the Seventh Symphony.
After the war, he was awarded a fellowship by the Chinese Government in recognition of his wartime contributions and returned to Harvard in 1946 to teach physics.
Frye received the Medal of Merit for wartime contributions as a civilian in December 1946.
Their wartime contributions improved the conditions of minority citizenship for Nuevomexicanos but did not entirely eliminate social inequality.
This storage and recycling effort was the last of Albuquerque Army Air Field's wartime contributions.
For his wartime contribution Strange was awarded the Order of the British Empire and the American Bronze Star.
In recognition of his wartime contributions, Hambourg was decorated with the Croix de Guerre.
For her wartime contributions, she was created an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1952.
In 1949, Purdue awarded him an honorary degree in recognition of his wartime contributions to pharmacy.