For security reasons, the name "King's" was not mentioned during wartime broadcasts.
He also made noxious wartime broadcasts for Mussolini.
He is later charged with high treason in London for his English-language wartime broadcasts on German radio.
Hitler used the first plastic tape, coated with iron oxide particles, to record his wartime broadcasts.
In his sixty-seven wartime broadcasts over the BBC he displayed, for the first time, his formidable communication skills.
He is later charged with high treason in London for his English-language wartime broadcasts on German radio, convicted, and then hanged in January 1946.
He will play several tapes of live wartime broadcasts by the NBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Toscanini.
Edward R. Murrow as himself; recreating some of his historic wartime broadcasts for CBS for the film.
The use of Edward R. Murrow reprising his wartime broadcasts from London, also lends an air of authenticity and near-documentary feel.