A memoir of his wartime adventures, Blurred Recollections, was privately printed in 1989.
Secretly, Gokna and Victory thought that maybe this flap about the radio show made Mom more nervous than any of the wartime adventures that lurked in her past.
He cites Samuel Hynes's "Flights of Passage," which is about Mr. Hynes's wartime adventures as a young Marine pilot.
In her new book, she looks back with affection on her wartime adventures.
Basically, he avoids discussion of his amazing wartime adventures, preferring to indicate that it was all a mistake.
Moss achieved success as an author with three novels, as well as his two books based on his wartime adventures.
An account of Emma's nursing career is given in the article on her partner Louisa McLaughlin (1836-1921) who shared the same wartime adventures.
Shortly after the birth of the modern comic book in the mid- to late 1930s, comics publishers began including stories of wartime adventures in the multi-genre omnibus titles then popular as a format.
Jan Yoors wrote about his life as an honorary Gypsy ("It is of the nomads that I sing") and about his wartime adventures.