When cells leave the basal layer they cease to divide and begin to mature into the tough dead cells that cover the surface.
New cells are born in the second or basal layer of skin, at the bottom of the epidermis.
The basal layer is thinner than the others, so the blastocyst cannot enter and penetrate in the endometrium.
The phialides are arranged in a basal layer, and borne on short conidiophores.
They are pushed upward into the stratum spinosum by the continuous formation of new cells in the basal layer.
The basal layer ( b ) is formed by a single row of basal or stem cells.
The moisturizers increase the rate of cell renewal at the skin's basal layer, bringing new cells to the surface.
It is continuous with the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis (skin).
Papillomaviruses replicate exclusively in the basal layer of the body surface tissues.
Below the keratinocytes is the basal layer, where new skin cells are born.