He also associated the regime with the court much more closely than had any other past warrior leader.
His superiors called him "a true warrior leader tested under fire", and he received a Bronze Star for leadership in combat.
I bow to your great experience as a warrior leader.
Success for the Plantagenets required martial prowess, and many were renowned warrior leaders.
They had deserted their warrior leader as the confusing, unhappy Molt-coalescence suddenly reversed direction.
Nishka, the warrior leader, called out to the guard commanding the approach to the city.
Here, he was seated as a warrior leader among his warriors, just as the other clan warrior-leaders were.
Corinius is a warrior leader of Witchland, full of life and ambition.
The warrior leader took Remo inside, into a large stone chamber.
He was not the overreaching and doomed-to-disaster warrior leader whom she had played as an ally out of amusement.