When 1000 years had passed, a warrior named Fallidoon defeated Zahhark and brought peace back to the world.
With a walking food source, the milk-drinking warriors defeated their plant-growing neighbours.
If this happened, then Kar-Tela would joyously offer battle, but, of course, no warrior can defeat destiny.
He did not do it then because a warrior defeated a foe face-to-face.
Working together, the three young warriors defeat them.
The warrior must defeat the monsters and liberate the inhabitants from the lairs, gradually repopulating the kingdom.
Garm - A troglodyte clan's greatest warrior who could join the player if he is able to defeat him.
Cuchulain was a mythological hero with an Achilles-like story, an unbeatable warrior defeated because of a small weakness.
Since the entire town's population was only 1,000, Tecumseh's warriors could have defeated the entire town.
The warriors defeated the Canadian forces, with losses on both sides.