You trod where no other warrior in Elundium dared, you have ended the darkness, you have destroyed the Nightmare, Krulshards.
If not, hide the sword where only a true warrior who is brave of heart, would dare go to find it.
The warrior didn't dare let go of the hand holding the vial.
The British had greatly undermined his power and influence, so that warriors, who formerly might have been as subservient to his will as slaves, now dared openly to question his authority.
Initially the warriors did not dare attack them but Tzilacatzin who was strong of arm killed several Spaniards by throwing stones at them.
Thetis said that the arms of Achilles would go to the bravest of the Greeks, but only these two warriors dared lay claim to that title.
Do you think a lone warrior and one Assistant Pig-Keeper dare attack the Horned King and his war band?
What warrior dares hope for more?
Some little boys ran timidly forward with their weapons, for the warriors had not dared to do so.
And so the Illinois were again at peace, for the fierce warriors who dwelt on the other side of the prairie dared never molest them again.