For many people, that seems too long, which is why some of us turn to independent repair shops once the warranty has expired.
Various manufacturer's warranties against fading expire between 5 and 10 years.
Or was it when your computer's 90-day warranty expired, and the thing croaked two days later?
But if something goes wrong with the car's hybrid system after its warranty has expired, you could be shelling out big bucks.
Like most products, problems will occur during the first 90 days or, seemingly, just after the warranty expires.
But what happens when your car's original warranty expires?
Does coverage start at the time of purchase or after the manufacturer's warranty expires?
Our two-year-old oven broke down just a month after the warranty expired.
And why do things always break the day after the warranty expires?
On most accounts of users who have experienced this problem, it occurred after the warranty expired.