The Quaker State commercial warns motorists that engines are particularly at risk when being started.
Only two of three intersections are marked, the group says, but they do not adequately warn motorists.
Signs warn motorists that the region is a Bear Habitat.
Even with all-news radio carrying live reports warning motorists away, for those already stuck, there was nothing to do.
The police are warning motorists not to allow arguments with other drivers to escalate.
Local law enforcement officials warned motorists that most downtown streets would be off limits.
"You wouldn't believe all the people you see blinking their lights to warn other motorists there's a police officer up ahead," he said.
AA patrols on bicycles warned motorists of police speed traps ahead.
Some signs offer a flashing light to warn motorists who exceed a designated speed.
Togolese authorities have also warned motorists to only stop for individuals in uniform, particularly after dark.