Beijing views Taiwan as a renegade province and has warned other countries against forging ties with Taipei.
They warn other countries in an attempt to save the world and are accompanied by the elemental spirits along the way.
They've warned other countries that if they oppose America's will they are objectively pro-terrorist.
Like other rebel officials, he noted that the alliance had been warning other countries about Osama bin Laden for years.
He pledged to abide by the treaty's provisions and warned countries with nuclear ambitions not to test.
In Washington, however, the State Department warned other countries that the safety of diplomats could not be guaranteed in the middle of a conflict.
"He said overall he was optimistic but warned countries needed to be wary of bubbles forming. "
Western missions in Oslo received warning letters from their Chinese counterparts; the deputy foreign minister also warned countries of "the consequences".
The report's author warns developing countries to "hope for best but prepare for the worst".