President Saddam Hussein warned Iraqis today that they might have to endure war with the United States, but he assured them that Divine Providence would ensure their victory.
In the videotape, the militants warned other Iraqis that they would meet the same fate if they joined the Iraqi police or National Guard.
"They warned Iraqis that 'you vote - you die,' and instead millions of Iraqis said back to them, 'We vote - we decide."'
Meanwhile, one of the most lethal insurgent groups warned Iraqis against joining the army or the police force.
Although that threat is no longer being heard, administration officials are privately warning Iraqis not to misread how much time they have, especially with Congress seeking to impose timelines for beginning a troop withdrawal.
Some Islamist insurgent groups had warned Iraqis not to participate in the elections on pain of death.
A13 Iraqi Rebels Threaten Voters Three militant groups warned Iraqis against voting in the elections, saying that people taking part in the "dirty farce" risked attack.
In the videotape, the militants warned other Iraqis that they would meet the same fate if they joined the security forces.
Guerrillas are warning Iraqis to stay away from the polls, and American and Iraqi leaders fear that election day could be the occasion for a bloody onslaught.
President Jalal Talabani warned Iraqis against falling prey to "acts of violence that some want to look sectarian."