All the warmth drained from her face.
Kneeling there, he held Jeremiah while the warmth drained out of the body.
All the warmth and fervor drained out of F'lar and that single word came in a cold, harsh voice.
After five or ten minutes sitting on the cold cement, leaning against a damp, freezing metal lamp post I find all the warmth has drained out of me, leaving me shivering.
All colour and warmth had drained from the universe.
The night sky was clear and the sun's warmth had quickly drained away, replaced by a cool breeze from the mountains.
Already the warmth was draining from the air and he knew that it was time they were moving.
The fingers of his hands, resting lightly on the clear glass of the port window, were stiff with cold, their warmth drained into space.
The woman's cruel emphasis was not lost on Liriel, and the warmth drained from the drow's face.
Though she immoderately admires her subject, Cook details her frosty side - When her clear blue eyes turned to ice, warmth drained from the very walls of the room" - and finds some flaws.