Unrooting the story of Lieutenant Fox was not difficult here, where survivors warmly recall the black soldiers.
Sally Cary, who shared their home in Primrose Hill for six years, warmly recalls him admitting that he "wore his failure like a halo".
He can warmly recall legions of legislators who have since retired, died or gone to jail, but who offered him encouragement.
Mr. Mandela warmly recalled Colonel Qaddafi's early support of the struggle against apartheid.
In his keynote, Barkley warmly recalled the Wilson administration and denounced more than a decade of Republican dominance.
She warmly recalls her mother's keen sense of humor.
It will be written in the memories of the screaming girls if they continue to warmly recall those songs as they grow up.
He also gave a speech about Lakshman Kadirgamar, the former Sri Lankan foreign minister, warmly recalling their first covert contacts as peace negotiators.
Such fiscal outrages, along with the hit records and mortifying clothes Mr. Norman recalls so warmly, help make sense of the book's title.
Older residents warmly recall the Fourth of July picnics that the settler families had at the tower's base.