The products - mainly tilapia, a warm-water fish - would be sold.
Bass are more of a warm-water fish, and they usually inhabit rock piles left from the early farms that were flooded when the reservoir system was built.
Mammals such as deer and antelope and a modest amount of warm-water fish are taken at Honey Lake.
The lake has most warm-water fish, blue gill, bass with abundance of birds, turtles, frogs, etc.
His greenhouse at the Intervale raises warm-water fish and hydroponic tomatoes.
A wide variety of warm-water fish thrive in the lake, where nutrients are plentiful, but these nutrients have also led historically to troublesome algal blooms.
That's a big, vicious warm-water fish, never found far beyond the tropics.
The warmer upper ranges have more warm-water fish including sunfish, pike and bass, while the lower cooler part of the river has salmon and trout.
The sun warms the top layer of lake water and makes it suitable for warm-water fish such as bass, bluegill and perch.
There are several types of trout in the region's streams and lakes, and a few lakes also support large-mouth bass, a warm-water fish.