She had not called him Jackie for some time; it was what his friends all called him, and he warmed towards her.
He thought of his own children, perfect, always healthy, giving him no trouble really, and his heart warmed towards his girls.
John was warming towards him a little.
And she warmed towards him; they were much of a kind, he and she.
Another thing which warmed me towards Mrs. Bond was her concern for my safety.
Despite this, she eventually warms towards him and they become friends.
I should in any case have answered Elizabeth's kind little note, but a reference to Ivy at once warmed me towards her.
Rachel smiled, beginning to warm a little towards him now he was not quite so formal.
A kind of compliment, Serena decided, and warmed just a little towards him.
Nadya's heart warmed towards this woman, who was considerably older than herself.