And far, far below them the brown fog fell until it warmed into fire.
How many people does it take to warm a house into a home?
Back inside to warm his feet and dig into the box, retrieving another batch of documents.
He stared at her, his own hand just beginning to warm into flesh.
The days passed, warming into the heart of spring.
The moon had gone through another cycle of its phases, and the wet spring was warming into early summer.
Aylmer looked from one to the other, and his dark weathered face warmed into a smile.
The expression warmed her arrogant mouth into something approaching charm.
By the late 1960's, just as the cold war was beginning to warm into détente, this Soviet hegemony came under threat.
For minutes, the living man stared down at the other figure, but tired of it when he saw no signs of warming into life.