But the steward had not forgotten it, and an appetizing meal was soon ready under the tent, for which he deserved and received warm compliments from the guests.
"Do give M. Viney my warmest compliments," he said fervently.
Monty blushed under the warm compliment and stroked the cat which was rubbing against her leg.
Coming from Komarrans, that's a warm compliment, by the way.
I did think of making a call at Ipswich to present my warmest compliments to Mistress Scawsby but that would have been too dangerous.
That's a warm compliment.
He has paid compliments to other colleagues, so let me pay a very warm compliment to him.
My warm compliments to Mrs Rothe for an excellent report.
"My warmest compliments to everyone here who has been involved in successfully concluding this epoch-making agreement between three different intelligent species," it said.
Mr. Barak set the tone by paying warm compliments to Mr. Netanyahu and raising a glass to the departing Prime Minister and his wife.