The company also consolidated warehouse operations and cut the number of Maytag vendors.
Several times city officials proposed that the warehouse operation be vigorously investigated.
"We'd like to see significant changes in the neighborhood before we begin moving out some of our warehouse operations and bringing in office tenants."
He announced last week that he was shutting down the troubled warehouse operation.
In this sport, unless you have some kind of warehouse operation like the gold medal-winning Romanians, four years may as well be 40.
That has been partly fueled by new arrivals - manufacturers, service companies, warehouse operations and chain stores.
They operated frozen warehouse operations for other regional food companies in Great Lakes region.
In 2009, the company began moving all of its warehouse operations for parts from Oregon to Singapore.
Under the rezoning, old uses that did not conform to the new rules - like the warehouse operation - were allowed to continue.
But the competition - from such warehouse operations as Costco - is growing.