The war remains in the background and is sometimes even played for dark comedy.
And the war remained like a burning ghost.
While the war remained in the area Soviet air attacks continued on the air base.
They've never been able to conquer the other loyal angels, and so this war has remained in stalemate for thousands of years.
It is an excellent example of how war remains are integrated into daily lives.
The Iraqi war was a disgusting crime against humanity, and will remain a stain on our countries for generations.
Other experts on the period, though, say the war remains a divisive subject and Mr. Bush is better off for having been less involved.
Early in his candidacy, he declared the war against the militants all but won, saying only 500 rebels and terrorists remain.
The cold war ideological and institutional systems remain in place and continue to influence our Government's leadership.
Indian wars per year jumped up to 32 in 1876 and remained at 43 in 1877.