The parents got together and told Tweed they wanted teachers, or there would be no more work.
Gove wants parents, teachers and charities to sign up to create independent state schools based on a Swedish model.
They wanted teachers to tell their students about intelligent design at the same time they taught evolution.
"I want teachers who actually try to motivate us instead of just being boring."
If we want more teachers, we'll probably need to try something financially drastic.
That is what we want our professors and teachers to do, especially in the heat of crisis.
They say they want more teachers, but they make it hard for older people to switch into teaching.
If we want good teachers we need to be supportive, not critical.
She was telling me about her niece used to be a schoolteacher, and the flatfaces don't want any American schools or teachers.
"I just want teachers to be able to trust that they will get swift justice when false allegations are made."