Enthusiasm has also waned in recent years for articles about environmental pollution and nuclear energy.
Although this business has waned in recent years, information and computer companies, such as Overstock.com, are still a thriving business here.
Interest in the science wars has waned considerably in recent years.
The influence of that post, which deals with arms sales and policy on strategic exports, has waned in recent years.
For all its appeal, pure jazz dance has waned in recent years.
The committees, whose power has waned in recent years, at one time carried out extrajudicial killings of government opponents.
Support has been waning in recent years, due to increased opposition from the West, along with lobbying by religious, free-speech, and human rights advocacy groups.
In the American legal academy its influence and prominence seems to have waned in recent years.
But his national influence waned in recent years as the conference of American bishops grew more conservative.
However, as new home construction waned in recent years, some stores have taken on more of a look and feel to appeal to retail customers.