It would have been easy to wander astray, into much deeper water, where creatures might lurk... A voice sounded in the gloom.
Park rangers are everywhere, to make sure that visitors follow the marked path and don't wander astray on the lava field.
Mr. Colon said he has felt obliged to remind parkgoers not to wander too far astray in the woods.
A riderless horse, wandering astray but saddled and bridled, for the small metallic sounds rang clear.
While the peripatetic narrative sometimes wanders astray, Martin's wry, trenchant prose keeps things animated.
Verily, those who wander astray from the Path of Allâh (shall) have a severe torment, because they forgot the Day of Reckoning.
Immediately regretting his actions but unable to simply admit his indiscretion, Dan schemes with his best pal Mike (Samm Levine) to get Marcie to wander astray, too.
Soon enough its ephemeral, porcelain order is overturned from within, as the harmonies of the orchestra begin to wander astray, giving way to a kind of anarchy.
This is you, brought from your grave, the body from which you departed, wandering astray, confounded and confused!
Mistakes and missteps; slips of the tongue; a moment of misunderstanding--there were so many ways for a life to wander astray.