After wandering around amidst fog and lifeless mummified bodies, the two go blind and fade into oblivion.
Three (or possibly four) years after the nuclear holocaust, the survivors wander amidst the debris.
Harry wandered amidst the plots, some ancient and others quite new, and inquired: 'How will it affect you?
He left her alone and crossed the stream to wander amidst the aspen.
In stark certainty, we were wandering amidst a death which had reigned at least five hundred thousand years, and in all probability even longer.
Butler was ordered to enter rehab for alcohol addiction a year later, after being arrested for wandering intoxicated amidst traffic.
Because, wherever Rex wandered amidst these treasures of the ancient world, his eye was drawn to a single detail.
On the other hand the man had no intention of permitting this poor, insane child to wander further amidst the dangers of the jungle.
Wandering the streets of New Orleans, amidst an outbreak of plague, Louis finds a sick child in a house with her dead mother.
If through weakness you are attracted to action and thinking, You will have to wander amidst the world of game existence, And suffer pain.