The floors were hardwood, maybe oak or teak, while the walls were adorned with varnished walnut panels.
To lighten these walnut panels, can we paint over them or can we hang wallpaper on top of the paneling?
Varnished walnut panels adorned the walls, while the bioluminescent ceiling, another product of applied genengineering, provided more than adequate lighting.
Decoration: Australian walnut panels, mirrors and old prints.
Even the bar area was posh - plush stools, smoked mirrors, and rich walnut panels, all tastefully illuminated with Trvoli lights.
The walls were wainscoted - walnut panels on the bottom, cream-colored paint on top.
The walnut panels were a soft, light brown in the flickering candle-glow, darker rosettes and ribbons twining from each corner.
The security system was wired into the building's main electrical board, set behind two large removable walnut panels on the ground floor.
A walnut panel slid over the darkened screen, and Grant spoke again.
None of the walnut panels, priced at about $1,520, have been sold.