The Upper Town, the old city's harp-shaped walled section, is less than a mile from north to south and about half a mile at its widest.
The room was plain, being just a walled section of a tent, though the fabric was woven like a costly tapestry.
Surviving from Biblical times is the "Street called Straight," which runs between the east and west gates of the old walled section.
He continued to walk until he found an old, walled section he had passed earlier.
Each part of the city was made up of walled sections.
A walled section in back obscured a chamber for private dances and a storage space for beer.
The Srirangam temple complex is composed of 7 concentric walled sections and 21 towers gopuram.
It is a major tourist center; the chief attractions are the medieval walled section, called Old Town, and an annual music, drama, and dance festival.
There are walled sections with a fountain, a pair of topiary trees in the form of pyramids and checkerboard flower beds.
Its chief attraction is the old walled section with adjoining massive fortifications, parts of which date back more than 400 years.