Immediately a wall-size screen descended.
Farther away are other applications like thin, pull-down, wall-size screens that descend to show football games, rock concerts and advertising, he said.
They hid the storage room door behind a wall-size screen covered with Islamic posters and Taliban's opium-eradication campaign ads.
She filled the three wall-size screens with the displays that had tempted Polyon and Darnell into the game.
So his shot of the levee did not reach the wall-size screen at the Operations Center Monday night.
The result is a picture of pristine clarity, with a wealth of detail and accurate shadings of color, capable of being displayed on wall-size screens.
Among the more elaborate toys are a wall-size screen for video games, a miniature car and a swimming pool with a toy yacht.
The treasures are four nine-foot carved spruce posts and a wall-size screen that once adorned the interior of an important chief's house.
On Sundays, football fans share the space and watch games on the big wall-size screen.
Four films are projected onto two pairs of wall-size screens set up in opposite corners of the gallery.