The walls sagged slightly, and the leafy overhang trailed down onto the roof.
The walls were sagging in and going away while Adora made her sales pitch to the now ex-lesbians.
The wall split soundlessly and sagged open, to reveal utter darkness behind.
The walls were broken and sagging.
Then the wall sagged, split and cracked into its original stones, and collapsed.
Roofs had collapsed, the abraded walls sagged then fell.
Sometimes it can also be because the wall has sagged as a result of the settling of beams or foundation.
Sagging pictures and clippings adorned the walls, though what they were about specifically I couldn't tell through the grime obscuring their faces.
The walls had been sagging under the weight that cracked them, bowed them out: Grief for Hans.
Suddenly, windows bulged out and shattered, walls sagged, and students saw the tornado heading straight for them, witnesses said.