I had my first client within days, an old lady who wanted her ceiling painted and the walls papered.
The floor was carpeted, the walls papered in a showy brocade design he disliked on sight.
The ceiling was high, the walls papered with a delicate floral print.
Decor is pretty but conventional, with pale blue papered walls in the lounge and powder pink papered walls in the downstairs breakfast room, where a complimentary buffet breakfast is served.
The room was furnished in soft greys and blues; the walls papered in a fabric that looked vaguely Sandersonish.
The floors are stained and polished and the walls papered.
The carpets were thick, the walls papered in silk.
It was all very cottagey, the uneven walls papered with a tiny flower pattern and all filled with an odd green light reflected in from the hillside that sloped up just outside the window.
Two down quilts and mud-brick walls papered with old calendars and magazines protected us from the bitter cold.
Warm light illuminated walls papered in a floral pattern she'd helped her mother choose over twenty years earlier.