The wall swayed and creaked and then came crashing down.
They stood silently, unsure of what to say, as walls around them creaked and groaned.
The walls creaked alarmingly as he rocked back and forth with laughter.
The front wall creaked and lurched forward, breaking loose from the ceiling in a shower of black dust.
In our apartment, the walls creaked, as if a ship had been torpedoed and was about to sink beneath the sea.
The walls creaked in the wind, and things scurried under the floorboards.
The room shook, the walls creaked, plaster fell, and a dead calm descended upon the Jones kitchen.
As he descended into the central dining area, the ground shuddered and the walls creaked about him.
The walls creaked, and the long wooden bar groaned out loud.
The wall shuddered and creaked, and the door started to travel sideways from her.