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You have to get up and walk off the field.
Then, for the most part, they just walk off with the show.
He walked off to the idea of his new life.
At the half, he walked off the field under his own power.
No, he could not simply walk off and leave her there.
She turned and walked off around the far side of the set.
I walked off and up to the security building in back.
The little guy stood up, started to walk off the field.
How could she have walked off and left the child?
He told me to stay where I was and walked off.
When I walked off the field, was my team in position to win?
The players looked as though they were about to walk off the field.
But only 10 percent of the city's 5,000 teachers walked off the job.
He walked off the set toward a door at the end of the room.
At least he walked off the court in one piece.
The woman held the child's hand for a second before walking off, with the child following, they said.
The last time they walked off their jobs was in 1970.
And there was nothing to stop him just walking off.
Half an hour later he let himself out of the building and walked off down the street.
Those who held her suddenly let go, turned and walked off.
But there was no one on his back as he walked off.
Others walked off their jobs for only a few hours.
I said good night and she walked off into the evening.
Maybe he just walked off on his own; went over the wall.
I watch him walk off toward the main building, which is the only way in or out.