Suggested preparation: Two or three times a week, we recommend you walk on undulating terrain for an hour or more, for at least 3 months prior to departure.
When walking on poor terrain, allow 1 hour for every 2.5 miles (4 km) forward, instead of 1 hour per 3 miles.
It is not recommended for someone with the disease to walk on terrain which is not stable such as ice or other slippery surfaces to avoid a severe injury.
Geothermally heated pools to refresh the soul, literally seeing the rift valley between the American and European geological plates, visiting glaciers, seeing a real volcano, walking on terrain that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world.AND who wouldn't want to see a puffin!!
Climbing shoes have thin soles so athletes can feel the rock face, but walking on rugged terrain between climbs can hurt.
Be ready for a workout Anytime you change activities, your body gets stressed in a new and different way; even if you do regular cardio workouts on flat ground, walking and climbing on uneven terrain will make for quite a different exercise experience and can work various muscle groups that you're not used to.
A half-hour's worth of walking on not-very-rough terrain shredded them.
Class 1 is the easiest and consists of walking on even terrain.
Mark Fenton, a former racewalker and the author of "The Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weight Loss and Fitness," wore vests during 2 to 3 mile walks on varied terrain and doing calisthenics.