She walked ahead angrily for a few steps, then waited for Charlie and took his hand again.
Yiban came out from behind the bush and walked angrily toward Cape.
The doctor walked away from him angrily, saying over his shoulder: "Let me know if you want me to pay for the funeral."
Doc walked angrily to the counter of the stand.
He walked angrily away from us, his boots kicking up stones in the parking lot.
He walked angrily to the main hall, where the morning religious service had recently finished.
Jerry angrily walks over and points at the left page as if to say "This is your mother, duck!"
She had risen, and now walked angrily out of the room.
The woman walked angrily from the room, slamming the door behind her.
Zack angrily walks into the club Joe uses as a front but is almost killed by the gang.