In the wake of Ms Yingluck's victory, Thaksin said he had no immediate plans to return.
In the wake of his victory at the polls, President Boris Yeltsin seems to be doing a very smart thing.
In the wake of her narrow victory, he boasted to reporters that black ministers and Democratic campaign workers were paid to keep the black vote down.
In the wake of the Fantastic Four's victory, Sheldon promises that he will spend more time with his family.
She has recovered her form this year after struggling in the wake of her victory in the 2004 United States Open.
After the contest, we shout in the wake of our victory.
He did not miss any games, and he made no mention of the injury in the wake of Monday's victory.
In the wake of Deep Blue's victory, it would not have been surprising if elite players stopped competing against computers.
In the wake of the team's victory, eight people were killed and scores were injured by gunfire, stabbings and fighting.
He had quickly showered and dressed in the wake of the Giants' 14-9 victory, dashing past reporters and celebrating teammates without comment.