He woke abruptly, his gaze drawn to the bright light filtering through the thin curtain.
Dor woke abruptly, to find Irene staring into his face.
She woke abruptly and for a moment didn't know where she was.
Throughout the night he would wake abruptly, his heart racing, feeling suffocated by the stifling quiet.
She woke abruptly when one of the drops fell cold on her face, followed quickly by a few of its fellows.
In the middle of the night, Gail woke abruptly.
The figure next to me jerked, waking abruptly, then froze as the sudden movement jarred his head.
Five hours and ten minutes later, he woke abruptly.
Later, abruptly waking from a drunken sleep, she insists in despair that the author love and speak to God.
Justin woke abruptly and glanced at his watch.