If needed, submit any waiver applications to cover known or suspected visa ineligibilities at this time as well.
In 1990, Ethyl filed its third waiver application prompting an extensive four-year review process.
Advocates for immigrants say the authorities are not acting fast enough on waiver applications.
Then, In another call, she was told that she had to submit the waiver application to the school itself, since it was the principal's decision.
The Clinton Administration says it has turned down only three waiver applications.
The waiver application was denied by the federal agency, causing the visa to also be denied.
He is now waiting for a decision on his waiver application.
The Department of Health and Human Services has had our waiver application for almost a year.
"The first waiver would trigger a whole lot of other waiver applications, potentially gutting the policy," he said.
Wells-Ogunquit submitted a waiver application to the state, which was rejected.