When the waiter stopped by he sensed the mood radiating out from the little table and took the cooling dishes away without comment.
You can't beat it at, " A waiter came swiftly along the room, and then stopped dead.
The waiter reached for Jillian's plate and then stopped.
Our waiter then stopped by and asked, "Would you like to see the dessert tray?"
The waiter who came into the room stopped, from time to time, to look at me.
The waiter had stopped to talk to the man Teg knew held the answer to the next moves required here.
It's perfectly cooked, and a waiter stops by after you cut into it to make sure.
A waiter had stopped to arrange chairs for the judges.
The waiter stopped, rested the tray on the bar.
When another waiter stopped nearby, she replaced her empty glass and took a full one.