Imagine Silas sitting there, shivering and waiting for them to resolve this dispute.
Draining the fluid and then waiting for the cyst to resolve it is the main treatment applied in these cases.
At first it made no sense at all, but he kept looking, waiting for it to resolve.
But the Supreme Court, having entered this case, should not wait to resolve the legality of the late hand counts until after certification.
The secret ballots could be conducted in a timely fashion without waiting to resolve all legal challenges by management.
"We just can't wait until the last minute to resolve this matter."
He waited confidently for the matter to resolve itself in her.
Nor can we wait for the dwarves to resolve their differences at their usual pace.
They waited in vain during their precious adolescence for the problem to resolve itself - and it didn't.
I've been waiting for you to resolve that story for ages.