We waited for our honored guests to choose first, then the council members, then the adults.
She has been taken to the table in a chair where she can wait for her guests to come for the party.
They all hoped * 384 to have the chance to catnap a bit during the day while they waited for Saddam's guests to show up.
The lodge is situated in Idaho, and promises lots of good food waiting for its guests.
After ten years, the station was immaculate, everything in order, as if waiting for its guests to arrive.
He could hardly wait for his guests to arrive.
But tonight she waited for her guests, and they all walked together.
And we will relax while we wait for our guests.
One night, I was sitting on one of the sofas that surround the bar, waiting for my guests to arrive.
Another night, a brother approached as I sat near the raucous bar, waiting for my guests to arrive.