Two men, Portuguese but without their shells, waited below him in the black foliage.
Wait, in the wineskin, against the wall, below the torch.
Butch says he'll wait just below the window and catch them if they come back.
One question remained: Would his father warn the terrified young guide who waited below them?
His haste should have told the six waiting below that something was wrong, even if he hadn't quickly explained the situation.
Clients were waiting for him in the lobby, nearly a quarter mile below his offices.
Two Boys were waiting below them in the admissions room.
So he waited all day below the window, growing more hungry all the time.
"I wanted to wait for something below my hands," Bonilla said.
They were waiting, those men below the water tank, until their companions joined them.
Five more of the massive gray beasts waited below, their eyes intent on her.
The Shadow could hear them subside from where he waited below, by the partition in the cellar.
Paithan, waiting below, reached up his hands to steady her landing.
The other thugs waited below, confident that the picked trio could take care of Harry.
Alcaren stood waiting below, as ifto make sure she did not slip or fall.
Wait below, and make sure that no one comes aboard.
As each person dives down, he changes temporarily into a fish and waits below.
Again, Dowd offered to wait below, but Oscar would have none of it.
The five hundred musketeers waited below, near the path that went over the rise and slid down to the village.