The entire population accompanied the bearers to the grave and wailed loudly.
The centurion looked uncertainly at the villagers, many of whom were wailing loudly.
She wailed loudly, "Momma, aren't you going to love me anymore?
Some wailed loudly while others banged the walls in grief.
At this the Alan began to wail loudly, for they saw him fall and believed him dead.
Indeed, some families hired professional criers to keen, or wail loudly.
Meg wailed loudly, kicking and flailing, on the ground by Mary.
One woman spent hours on her knees in front of the party building gate, wailing loudly.
Both men examined the infant, wailing loudly at being taken from her mother's warm side and exposed to the cold air of the cave.
She began to wail loudly, but no one paid any attention; the boy leaned against the wall a few feet away, and ate the bread.