Two wagons blocked the gap the Old Road made in the sharp stakes.
Other wagons blocked the streets and the spaces between the houses all the way around the edge of the village.
The coroner's wagon came up behind them and stopped, blocking the street.
Still blocking his blows as easily as if she could see every one, she danced backwards until her shoulders hit the wagon behind her.
The wagons blocked the view of the grooms, who were sleeping around a fire close by, so they could not see him if they awoke.
"We'll have to take our mounts past those of Third Company, probably all the way to where the wagon blocks the trail."
One very large wagon blocked the wrought-iron gates to the estate.
The chugs were gone-in the water, likely-but the wagon nearly blocked the bridge.
The soldier tried to retreat, but the wagons blocked his way.
A caravan bound for Vérella had come in; great wagons blocked the streets, and the inn was full of wet and disgruntled merchants.